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The long hot summer will be a welcome relief for many, especially after a year of almost constant rain. However, while we frolic in the sunshine our leaf tipped friends can be sweltering in the intense heat. Too much rain is arguably a more difficult problem than too much sun, but we need to make sure we tend to the needs of our plants in these conditions to get the absolute best out of them. 

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As we race full speed ahead to Christmas there seems to be more jobs than hours in a day. So once you have finished your celebrations for the silly season remember to take some time to rest and relax.

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The meteorologists don’t seem to be able to tell us exactly what sort of summer we are going to have. Yes, it is meant to be dry but just when that dry period is about to start is anyone’s guess and there will also be downpours and the possibility of some intense tropical storms. So be prepared for the unexpected.

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It has been a while since you have heard from us here at Newton's. Like everybody in Auckland (and other parts of the country) we have been focused on getting through what seems like a never-ending winter. While the temperature has climbed slightly, the wind and the rain are showing no sign of bidding farewell yet.

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Having recently experienced the scorching European heat, I find myself a little relieved to return to a more temperate, albeit wet climate. And to see the first tips of daffodils that were planted before we left poke their noses through the ground, was a lovely reminder that spring is not too far off.

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