The best results are achieved if you have an aluminium pudding bowl, don’t worry though if you only have a ceramic dish, it will still taste wonderful it just the texture is slightly different.
You will need a 1 litre capacity bowl.
1 or two ripe pears
1 big tbsp Golden Syrup
2 tbsp hot water
150g butter
150g brown sugar
2 large size 8 eggs or 3 size 7eggs
1-2 tsp sea salt or to taste
120g self raising flour
40g of really good cocoa if you have it
Grease pudding basin with butter. Mix the golden syrup and water together and pour into bottom of pudding bowl. Peel and slice pear(s) into quarters and place on top of the golden syrup mix. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one by one, beating well after each egg. Sift in the dry ingredients and fold gently. Pour or scoop mixture into pudding bowl overtop of the pears. Cut a piece of baking paper to the size of the pudding bowl and put directly on top of pudding batter. Take a piece of foil and tightly cover the top of the bowl securing in place with string.
Get a large pot and fill with enough water to go ¾ of the way up the pudding bowl. Place a tea towel in the bottom of the pot. Place covered pudding bowl into pot and boil/simmer for 2 and ½ hours. Check pot every half hour to make sure water level is maintained at ¾ way up pudding bowl.
When you think it's done uncover and check with a skewer. If the skewer comes out clean its ready. If not, re-cover and put back in for another 20 mins.
Unmold onto a plate to gasps of delight. Serve with lots of custard and or cream.